Saturday, February 12, 2011
Dear Cheryl, John and Rodney,
Sorry to hear of your Dadchr(39)s passing.
I didnchr(39)t know your Dad well and never thanked him for this but, wanted to tell you how very appreciative I was of your father one night during the summer of 1986 when our family home at 19 MacDonald Park Road was going up in smoke. Your Dad was the first firemen to arrive on the scene before even the first firetruck arrived. I was SO very grateful to see him come to our speedy rescue!!
That was the kind of man he was.
I hope this memory of mine gives you some comfort at this sad time.
One of your old baby sitters,
(I did know your Mom; she was a lovely person.)
Kimberley Chute
(Allison and Verna Chutechr(39)s daughter)
Seattle, WA