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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Harold Mitton
Gordon Smith posted a condolence
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Harold Mitton was a true man of God and friend of Jesus. A kind and humble man of great intellect. A gifted preacher who changed many lives over to Jesus during his time in Calgary from 1970-1975. I will never forget him and I wish him all the best in his heavenly home.
Carolyn Frasier (Mitton) posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
So sorry to hear of Uncle Harold’s death. He lived a fulfilled life. His passion was to reach people with the gospel of Christ. I remember the enjoyable summer trips to Uncle Harold and Aunt Marguerite’s home in Wolfville. He had a great sense of humor. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ron and Ruth and their families.
Nancy Stretch posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Though it saddens me to hear of our loss on this earth of this dear godly gentleman, it is so very good to know we will see him again! Dr. Mitton was my pastor when I was a child (Charlottetown). He visited our home on numerous occasions and at one point I must have told him how much I liked him to which he gently replied "the feeling is mutual". I didn't understand that at the time but I did ask questions of my parents... I never have forgotten his kindness to me as a very young girl. At age nine I gave my heart to Jesus and when he knew of my interest in spiritual things, he took time out of each week for me to answer questions, and instil scripture and knowledge until the day of my baptism. I have always been amazed that he took this time, and on that day, filled the whole baptism tank for one little girl. How special he made me feel... He was really God's messenger in my young life. As adults my husband and I were under his ministry again when we lived in Calgary for a year. Still the same gentle, engaging and kind man.
To family reading this, your dad/grandfather was a mentor, blessing and treasure to me. I know you will miss him dearly and we wish to pass on our deep sympathy to each of you
Rev. Donald E. Robertson posted a condolence
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Dear Mitton Family
Cairine and I wish to express to all of you our deepest sympathy on the passing of this amazing man at the good age of one hundred and four. We had a very meaningful visit with Harold recently in his comfortable and comforting Wickwire House quarters. For this we are very thankful.
Harold was one of the finest preachers I have ever known. Years ago, I was inspired and blessed by his preaching when he spoke at the Baptist Convention in Wolfville. I was privileged to hear him, another time, when he filled in for me at Middleton Baptist, while I was on vacation.
During his years as Principal of Acadia Divinity College, I served on the Board of Trustees and so enjoyed close association with him there at that time. I always appreciated his gracious spirit, his warm personality, and his thoughtful wisdom. He had a gentle nature, but could be strong and forceful when the situation required this from him. He was always a Christian statesman, par excellence.
When visiting Dr. Allison Trites in the Kentville hospital, and later in Dykeman Lodge in Windsor, I was deeply moved to learn that Harold, in spite of his advanced years, had more than once visited Allison in both locations. Harold remained a pastor and a true friend until the end.
We are thankful for Harold's outstanding life, for the beautiful legacy he leaves behind, and for the great privilege of knowing him as a friend.
Rev. Donald Robertson
Donna (MacArthur) Guinta posted a condolence
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Dr. Mitton was my pastor when I attended Brunswick St Baptist in Fredericton while a student at NB Teachers College and UNB. He and Mrs. Mitton were a wonderful team - a team displaying faith, care and integrity. There were morning and evening services then and the university students were often in great numbers at the evening service, as there was a College and Career group that met after the service. They loved the college kids and often popped into the group. I was greatly blessed to sit under Dr. Mitton’s preaching and teaching. I remember him publishing the sermon titles for six months at a time - we knew what themes were coming and did not want to miss. (I was so impressed with his organization and long term planning.) What a joy it was for me to reconnect with Dr. Mitton when my husband Frank Jr was interim pastor at Wolfville Baptist from fall 2017 to summer 2018! Dr. Mitton was always an encourager throughout his life, a faithful servant in ministry. It was an honour to know him and Frank and I pray comfort and peace to his family. (We regret that we cannot attend the service in person as we are out of province that day.)
Paul Mitton posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Uncle Harold was an inspirational to all of us. He loved his family and loved his Heavenly Father. He committed his life to communicating God's truth with insight and relevance. He was a passionate leader and a polished gentleman. We will miss him on this earth, but hold on to the hope we will see him again in Heaven. Our prayers are with the family.
Peter & Lynda Rice posted a condolence
Monday, September 16, 2024
Dear Ron,
We are very sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. He certainly lived a full, rich and productive life. When Peter's mother still resided at Wickwire Place, I helped your Dad out a number of times with using the computer in the common room. He was a determined student and faithfully did his homework! He was a lovely gracious man. Please accept Peter's and my condolences.
John F. Mitton posted a condolence
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Wife, Liz, and I in midst of month-long visit to Ireland when sister, Carolyn, sent word today of Uncle Harold's passing at the age of 104. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ron and Ruth and their families at this time.
David Mitton posted a condolence
Sunday, September 15, 2024
I was a student at Acadia Divinity College from 1979 - 1982. I was blessed and privileged to come under the teaching of Dr. Harold, a great man of God, who is also my cousin.
Many years ago, Dr. Harold was invited to our church to conduct special meetings. On one evening of these meetings, the choir director thought it was a good idea to have the cousins (Dr. Harold, my dad Vernon, my brother Brian, and myself) sing as a quartet. Dr. Harold was a little hesitant and nervous about the idea, however we convinced him that it would be a good memory for the family tree. We sang our song to the Lord and before His people. We later mused that we would not be going on tour! Later in that service, Dr. Harold strode calmly and confidently to the pulpit, no evidence of being hesitant or nervous for he was at home in the pulpit. He proceeded to boldly proclaim the truth of God's Word to several hundred people. I am thinking one day Heaven's choir director will ask us to sing again to the Lord and before the citizens of Heaven. We will not be nervous or hesitant for we will be home. What a memory for the eternal family tree. See you soon, Cousin.
Karen Wile posted a condolence
Saturday, September 14, 2024
In 1950 a young couple ,Alice and Lowell Brown were Wed on Jan. 26 in the Windsor Baptist parsonage. It is now a restaurant,I believe. A young preacher, Rev. Mitton performed the ceremony.During the ceremony a baby started to wail, Lowell turned as white as a sheet according to his bride. Maybe seeing into his future as in 6 years 4 of his own came along and later on 2 more. My Mom loved to tell this story.
Rev. Dr. Morley A. Shaw posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Joy and I were so sorry to learn of Dr. Mitton’s death. I was privileged to serve on the Board of Trustees of Acadia Divinity College for a few years prior to his retirement. He was truly an inspiration and a model of leadership.
Although our faith assures us of God's great love and compassion during these times of loss, there is still a sense of loss until we are together again. Be assured we are keeping you in our hearts and prayers as you mourn the loss of your loved one and remember his life with cherished memories. Morley & Joy
Jane Moir Whitaker posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
What a beautiful life he lived. So grateful for Dr. Mitton’s wisdom and kindness over the years! Love to Ruth, and all.
Wendy and Jon Davison posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
So sorry to learn about the death of Harold. Cherish your memories of this special person so his life continues. Sincerely: Wendy and Jon Davison on behalf of Enid Davison
Trent Cleveland-Thompson posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
I first met this very gentle man at a McMaster Divinity College fall convocation where he received an honorary doctorate. I was home-sick for Nova Scotia in my first month of a M.Div. degree at MDC, and he convinced me that it wasn't too late to transfer to Acadia Divinity College. Over those next few years, I had lots of questions about theology and the church, and his superb listening skills allowed my to discover my own answers. My sincere condolences to his family and the ADC community. - Trent Cleveland-Thompson, Class of '84
Sandra Quast posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
May God give you comfort at this time.
My husband attended ADC in 1980-82 and I was a secretary in the College office. I enjoyed working with Dr. Mitton and getting to know him.
I remember a time when he was teaching the students how to baptize. He was standing in the tank - very serious and when he looked down, he saw goldfish swimming in the baptismal tank. The students could hardly hold it together, but all Dr. Mitton said (with a faint smile) was "What a nice touch!" He always knew what to say.
I will remember Dr. Mitton with fondness and appreciation for the time spent with him.
Sue & Phil Mosher posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
2 Timothy 4:7-8 (New International Version)
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
I can't think of the better verse for Harold. This is the verse that is also on my father's headstone. I'm so thankful that my father (Bruce Robertson) was able to meet and spend time with Harold in Dad's last year or so of life at Wickwire Place. Harold was a wonderful man and an inspiration to us. Praying your family is comforted by many happy memories.
Larry Matthews posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Please accept our sincere condolences on your loss.
I was a student at ADC (M.Div 1982) and studied under Dr. Mitton. I also was as an employee for a year after graduation. Many years and experiences later, I can say I never knew a more fundamentally decent man than Harold Mitton.
His instinct in any situation was always towards a combination of kindness and principle. He was a living example of active and authentic goodwill towards all.
I consider myself very fortunate to have known him and felt his impact in my life. I can only imagine the sense of loss felt by family and friends.
May God grant you peace and comfort at this time.
Mark Parent posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Will be away for service but will hold you in my thoughts.
Jan Robar posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
My condolences to you Ruth and family. It is hard to a parent no matter the age. Have tears but laughter as you remember precious memories. My prayers and thoughts are with you and the family.
Douglas Kellough posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Dr. Mitton was my pastor at FBC, Calgary when I was a student at BLTS, a very formative time in my sense of discipleship and vocation. When I had already entered ministry, I decided to enter ADC to study for the M.Th. and D.Min. degrees. Although late in his administration and early in his retirement, this continued to be a time of his influence in my life. Watching and hearing him helped me become the minister and chaplain that God wanted me to become; his influence was very significant. My sympathy to all his family and my friends, Eric and Vicki Patton who were also close friends with Dr. Mitton. Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Master.
Karen Jones posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Ruth…my thoughts and sympathy to you and your family..
Nelson Yiu posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Dr. Mitton,
Rebecca and I, and our three daughters, Melody, Adelaide and Gladys missed you so much. However, by God's faithful promise, we shall meet again, one day, in God's Everlasting Kingdom.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Rev. 21:1-5
Nelson & Rebecca Yiu
Linda (Illsley) Cameron posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Sincere Sympathy in your loss
My parents (Harry & Evelyn Illsley of Aylesford) often spoke of your father.
They thought a lot of him and Dad kept in touch with him up until his passing in 2011.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all

A Memorial Tree was planted for Harold Mitton
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Serenity Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Harold Logan Mitton uploaded a photo
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

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N.S. B4R 1B9
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Mailing Address:
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Phone: (902) 689-2961
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