Tuesday, January 3, 2012
It was with sadness that I read of Helenchr(39)s passing.Mac Dougallchr(39)s from Christmas Island are not a plentiful clan and to lose a member, especially a senior member causes reflection. As Archie Mac Dougallchr(39)s children, my brothers and sisters and I were the only MacDougall children growing up in Christmas Island during our youth. How different it must have been for Helen to have not only her siblings but also lots of Mac Dougall cousins and friends.She had to have been a special lady. I am unaware of anyone else who could say they were born on Christmas Day in Christmas Island ! To all of Helenchr(39)s nieces and nephews my deepest sympathy on your loss.
Soraidh leatha agus beannachadh Dh�è oirre. (Farewell and the blessing of God be upon her)
Ann (MacDougall) Munro