Monday, February 27, 2012
I was very sad to hear of the passing of Aunt Marian. I so enjoyed my time as a child visiting out there.
I remember always thinking "whatchr(39)s upstairs". The house was very big to me.
I remember looking at her china cabinets and all the beautiful plates and cups inside - how old were they? - were some of them my great grandmotherchr(39)s - beautiful.
I remember the dates squares and pies and cookies and the store with all the candy treasures.
I was so thankful that she cared for my PD doggie (that my mother gave away on me while I wasnchr(39)t home - grrr :)
I remember the little "quotes" that she always put on her cards.
I remember a rivality with Darlene thinking the Aunt Marian liked her more than me - but thatchr(39)s kidchr(39)s stuff.
I remember talk of doing the books. I couldnchr(39)t figure that one out -what would you ever do with a book!
I remember wishing that she lived closer.
I remember.